Our Process


Let’s Get to Know Each Other… 


First, we listen, and understand you as our client, and determine your unique financial circumstances and investment personality. We’ll ask what YOU want out of an investment advisory relationship. 

We’ll then review and analyze your unique investment and retirement goals, objectives and needs, and your investment horizon and appetite for risk, in the context of a changing and complex tax, regulatory, and economic and financial environment. We also consider any financial, regulatory, legal, or social constraints. This allows us to design a portfolio structure that fits your special circumstances. 

The strategic consulting process includes, but is not limited to, an analysis of: 

  • Investment Objectives and Preferences 
  • Prudent Risk Parameters 
  • Asset Allocation 
  • Legal and Other Constraints 
  • Net Cash Flow Requirements 
  • Money Managers’ Performance 
  • Money Managers’ Investment Process 
  • Fee Structure 

This strategic consulting process is critical. The information gathered at this step is used as the foundation for all subsequent decisions regarding your investment program. 


Second, we design an allocation plan that will achieve your financial goals, and create a custom investment strategy that helps you achieve your objectives within your preferred risk tolerance. 

Our asset allocation model includes a set of capital market assumptions characterizing the expected future market performance of the major asset classes. These capital markets expectations reflect a five and ten year outlook for the broad asset classes and include expected returns, risks, and the correlations between the asset classes. Asset mix variables specific to each sub-asset class are incorporated in the asset allocation model. These variables include: risk tolerance, asset class preference, time horizon, and expected returns. 


Third, if appropriate, we prepare a written Investment Policy Statement (IPS) that provides a framework to guide the investment process. The IPS is an invaluable strategic planning tool for sound investment management. We view the IPS as a working document, the contents of which will change in accordance with any changes made to the asset allocation variables described above. This document serves to clearly articulate the investment process and parameters for all concerned. 

The completed IPS includes risk/reward characteristics for the investable assets, performance benchmarks, as well as control procedures and guidelines for the total portfolio. 


Fourth, we select 'best-of-class' managers for each asset class and investment style. 

Our extensive resources enable us to study the global breadth of money managers, focusing on the best specialists available in each asset class. Our search process begins with a thorough screening process where we analyze each manager's ability to generate consistently superior returns relative to both peer group and benchmark indices. Equally important to us is that each manager is capable of producing excellent results not just when markets are performing well, but also when markets are not performing well. We call this the Down-Capture ratio. 

The manager search follows a formal multi-step process. When analyzing candidates for search purposes several critical factors are considered. Among these factors are: 

Quantitative - manager style, assets under management, length of track record, fees, performance history and risk statistics. 

Qualitative - manager reputation, client base profile, geographic locations, personnel, management type (team vs. star system), client service/communication, publicity (positive or negative). 

The result of this disciplined search process is a manageable number of candidates for each style


Fifth, we maintain rigorous supervision to ensure that your portfolio achieves its investment goals. 
Our performance evaluation process seeks to measure the absolute and relative performance results of every investment manager compared to benchmarks and guidelines. We use both internal and external performance measurements to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the total portfolio and individual portfolio managers on an ongoing basis. The content of a performance measurement report enables you to determine why performance results were achieved, and to identify adjustments, which periodically become necessary to maintain performance and management risk. 

In summary, our investment management services include: 

  • A Review of Your Current Investment Program 
  • A Comprehensive Asset Allocation Analysis 
  • Formulation of an Investment Policy Statement (IPS) 
  • Selection of Appropriate Investment Managers 
  • A Review of Your Investment Plan 
  • Performance Monitoring 


Marius Wealth Management is compensated on only a percentage fee on assets basis, with the percentage varying on the size of assets.